How is it taught?

In Classes (Awareness Through Movement)

ATM picture1Lessons take place lying on the floor, or sometimes sitting. The teacher talks you through a sequence of movements that works like a physical riddle. Each new movement is repeated and explored, enabling you to become familiar with it, and to begin to play with unaccustomed movement relationships. By engaging your curiosity, gently and at your own rate, you learn to explore the world of your internal sensation. You learn to use this awareness to release chronic patterns of tension and create new movement possibilities. 


Individual Lessons (Functional Integration)


MosheFIEach lesson revolves around a question: how do your habits of movement help you, but at the same time stand in the way of doing better? In a typical lesson, you and your teacher discuss this, then you lie fully-clothed on a low table as the teacher’s hands gently support you, suggesting, encouraging and guiding you towards new ways of moving and organising yourself. 

FIEach lesson is unique and designed by your teacher to address your particular habits of moving and holding yourself. Your increasing self-awareness enables you to let go of these habits, to find and choose new patterns of movement; you may find similar development in the flexibility of your thinking and feeling.

Moshe and skeletonThe lesson will often lead to suggestions by the teacher for ways of working on your own, in order to help the new choices become a lasting part of your life. Lessons are particularly useful for specific or long-standing problems, to deepen your experience of Awareness Through Movement classes, or to provide ongoing support for your everyday life.
Both Awareness Through Movement classes and Functional Integration lessons are appropriate for a wide range of people, for all ages and for all abilities.